Latest Books Published by
Gradiva Publications

April 2024
Author: Michele Brancale
Title: The Singing of Things
Michele Brancale is a true poet. He rejects clichés and does not care to ingratiate himself with the preachers of literary criticism.
Plinio Perilli

April 2023
Author: Pasquale Di Palmo
Title: Days of Cruel Separation
This is one of the most challenging of Di Palmo's books. It contains the pregnant poem Centro Alzheimer, dedicated to his father Cosimo, and Canzone delle torri telemetriche, composed during the recent pandemic.
Marco Vitale

February 2023
Author: Luisa Puttini Hall
Title: Fireflies in the Wood
«Leaning against a mudguard /
we are in this instant /
both on Earth and elsewhere»
Luisa Puttini Hall

January 2023
Author: Annalisa Macchia
Title: You Cannot stare at the Sun
Annalisa Macchia's honest poetry conserves the breath and rhythm of tenderness, an emotive and expressive quality.
Plinio Perilli

March 2022
Author: Giuseppe Grattacaso
Title: The Will-Be World
Giuseppe Grattacaso is one of our most talented sidereal poets; his observation reaches out to the inquiry about the boundaries of cosmos, the existence, nature, and purpose of the Creator.
Alessandro Fo

January 2022
Author: Luigi Cannillo
Title: Between Windows and Skies
Luigi Cannillo is a poet whose work deserves to be read in its entirety to enable us to review, not only his own private life, but also the universality of the sky.
Luca Ariano

October 2021
Author: Henry Ariemma
Title: A Gallon of Kerosene
Ariemma's poetry is that of a young, new stoic: why not? First there is sentiment, then feeling...
Plinio Perilli

July 2021
Author: Sergio D'Amaro
Title: The Bridge of Hiedelberg
D'Amaro reveals a background in cross-references either explicit or inexplicit.
Cosma Siani

April 2021
Author: Patrizia Villani
Title: Sea Nest
A joy which Villani finds intact in the enumeration of sensations that are old and new at the same time, forever carved into the substance of memory.
Giancarlo Pontiggia

February 2021
Author: Amos Mattio
Title: The Mechanism Behind
Un lavoro raffinato con una serie di immagini di limpida ed enigmatica presenza...
Maurizio Cucchi

February 2021
Author: Maria Rita Bozzetti
Title: Permanent Migration
The poet is celebrating an infinite passage of the "I" towards hopes and new prospects, a "migration" indeed and a long route courageously taken to "prolong a dream"...
Vincenzo Guarracino

October 2020
Author: Luigi Martellini
Title: The Last Ones, Poems 2017-2020
Un libro denso e compatto sull'alfa-omega, sul tutto e nulla della vita, che coinvolge e commuove il lettore.
Luigi Fontanella

September 2020
Author: Alessandro Carrera
Title: Songs of Purgatory
... Non è mai stata mia intenzione allontarnarmi troppo dalla seducente musica della metrica e delle rime.
Alessandro Carrera

July 2020
Author: Alessandra Paganardi
Title: A Dream of Words
The poet Paganardi is a tireless investigator of the most hidden enclosures of our souls, continuously looking for a beneficial fountainhead that can become a "warm shelter" ...
Irene Marchegiani

May 2020
Author: Annelisa Alleva
Title: Selected Poems
Her poetry accompanies us from the singularity to the unequal harmony of the whole.
Paolo Febbraro

March 2020
Author: Giancarlo Pontiggia
Title: The Motion of Things
Al centro del libro, la poesia su Kythera, immota e mitica nel suo splendore sovrano: una sosta di luce e di bellezza gratuita...
Giancarlo Pontiggia

February 2020
Author: Marco Vitale
Title: Emblems of Sleep & Other Poems
Where shall I rest / by what unhealable fate do the lamps end up coinciding?
Tr. into English by Barbara Carle

January 2020
Author: Fabrizio Dall'Aglio
Title: And Ink Like This
Here, then, is a timeless poet of the Italian world.
Thomas McCarthy - Alessandro Gentili
Songs of Purgatory, by Alessandro Carrera

"This book is made up of five poems and sixteen songs, and it would not exist without Ron Banerjee's translations, which have preserved, whenever it was possible, the rhythm and the rhyme scheme of the original Italian text. Songs and rhymed poetry are supposed to be untranslatable - until you find the right translator, that is, and this book is proof that I did find the right translator. "
(A. Carrera)
Recording, editing, and mix: Yuka Acanfora, Giuseppe Gallucci, c/o Aeroplano studio, Via Pinturicchio 25, 20133 Milano, Italy.